Thursday, June 15, 2006

what are you doing in bogotá?

more or less nothing. i interviewed a company to see if i wanted to be employed by them to teach english, but decided that (a) i didn't want to commit to two months, and (b) i couldn't really be bothered to work. so i am basically idle, and my time is spent wandering the streets of bogotá which is called "andando conociendo" in spanish which sounds better, hanging out and er doing not much. it's nice. oh yeah and watching the football.

take a look at the recent behaviour of the colombian peso (this is the sort of link that dates quickly...) and it seems that by far my best option is to spend pounds here, rather than earn pesos.

however, looks like an interesting place. perhaps i'll go and interview them for a job...

1 comment:

Parl said...

i didn't think i liked football either. it turns out that i do. maybe it's just a temporary lapse of reason, it's hard to say. i have to say though that it's just not the same watching it here as it would be there. people just aren't into it as much -- specifically regarding england.

the interesting people i've met might read my blog, so i need to wait until i've moved on before i start character-assassinating them. HaHaOnlySerious :).